Apart from the hotels and motels, Seattle has many hostels that supplements the hotels in the provision of accommodation. While the hotels in Seattle are a bit expensive, the hostels provide a more budget oriented and more sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed and share facilities like the bathroom, lounge, and sometimes the kitchen. Most hostels are single sex, although there are also those which are mixed. They are generally cheaper, to run than the hotels, thus are made cheaper also to the occupants.
Hostels provide a kind of informal environment that allows for socialization with fellow guests as they have more common areas that offer such opportunities. Their dormitory aspects helps to increase this social factor. They provide less privacy and might be a bit uncomfortable to those who require more privacy.
Hostels in Seattle
Hostel Bookers
The Seattle hostels, while achieving the social part, are made to be more comfortable and provide a wide range of options to the customers. While there are hostels available for the communal kind of life where there is increased sharing of facilities, there are also those that are meant to serve those who require some privacy. Depending on one's preferences and the amount he/she is willing to spend, one can choose from the many options available.
Seattle hostels are mainly used by students although local tourists also find them friendlier to their pockets than the expensive hotels. They offer a well established system for storing valuables in form of private lockers and other forms of secure storage. There are many travel guides that help with the information about the hostels.
The Seattle travel guides provide information on the location and the availability as well as the products offered in the particular hostel. If you want to travel Seattle Washington, you have a wide variety of accommodation options to choose from.
Hostel World
Enjoy your trip & have fun!